TWU Retirees are some of the most dedicated and active people in our organization. Retirees’ unwavering dedication has helped to build TWU into the fortuitous and adept union we know today. TWU works hard to help provide members with stable and secure jobs and happy lives for the present and for the future. Winning a secure contract today means a peaceful and comfortable retirement tomorrow and TWU is proud to have provided thousands of retirees with the benefits that all hard working people should have the opportunity to enjoy in their retirement. Now that you’re at the autumn of your years we encourage you to continue enriching your life by staying very active with your local as well as keeping in touch with the international. TWU retirees have done everything from lobbying at the state legislatures to working on national political campaigns. TWU Retirees continue to ensure the future for those that come after them by reminding us all, “Just because you retired from you job doesn’t mean you have to retire from your union!” Inquire with your local to find out how to get involved in retirement programs and activities, including becoming a volunteer member organizer (VMO). For help finding your local click here. Below are some links that you may find helpful:
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