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Transport Workers Union of America, Local 525
Air Transport Division
2395 North Courtenay Parkway, Suite 104
Merritt Island, Fl 32953

Application for Membership

First Name *
Last Name *
Employer *
Email *
Phone *
Classification *
Referred by
To the officers and Members of the Transport Workers Union of America, Local 525: I herewith tender my application for membership in the Union, and pay the Initiation fee of $35.00 (if applicable). If accepted I will abide by the Constitution and Laws of the Organization and pay all dues and other obligations promptly. The Undersigned desires to be represented by the Transport Workers Union of America for purposes of the Railway Labor Act / National Labor Relations Act.
Date *
Assignment & Authorization For Check-Off Of Union Dues
Company Name *
I, [enter full name here]: *
hereby assign to the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO my Union Dues from my wages or to be earned by me as your employee. I authorize and direct you to deduct the flat sum of 2 hours per month from my check and to remit the same to the Union 2395 North Courtenay Parkway, Suite 104 - Merritt Island Florida, 32953.
This assignment, authorization, and direction may be revoked by me, in writing, after the expiration of one year from the date hereof upon the termination date of the labor agreement in effect at the time this is signed, whichever occurs sooner.
The authorization and direction is made subject to the provisions of the Railway Labor Act/National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and in accordance with the existing Agreements between the Union and the Company.
Signature *

Use your mouse, finger, or touch device to write your signature.
Date *
Address *
Apt. #
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Official Use Only:
Member ID
Date Submitted to Company
New Member Packet
Yes / No
Stat Track Updated
Yes / No
Application Process Complete
Yes / No
Date Completed

* Required Fields

TWU Local 525
2395 North Courtenay Parkway, Suite 104
Merritt Island, FL 32953

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